P.R.I.D.E. at Our Lady of Angels
Our Lady of Angels students develop Angel P.R.I.D.E. throughout their education and involvement in the community. These expectations build upon each other throughout each student’s progression through the grades. By eighth grade graduation, students will demonstrate the ideals and values of P.R.I.D.E. and continue them throughout their lives.
Prayerful People...
- Who attend mass
- Who incorporate faith into their daily lives
- Who know the types and purpose of prayer
- Who are empathetic
Respectful and Responsible Citizens...
- Who respect, God, others, and themselves
- Who value the importance of rules and accept responsibility for their own actions
- Who respect and accept all cultures
- Who have the tools to make healthy life choices
- Who practice good sportsmanship
- Who follow the 4 R’s: reduce, recycle, renew, and respect God’s creation
- Who use technology responsibly
Innovative Learners...
- Who recognize their own unique gifts, talents, and areas of growth
- Who are organized, use effective study strategies, and apply 21st century skills
- Who have a strong foundation in academic subjects and the use of technology
- Who are real world problem solvers and creative thinkers
- Who work successfully by themselves and collaboratively
Dedicated Catholics...
- Who know basic Catholic teachings
- Who actively participate in mass
- Who live out their faith by serving others as Jesus did
- Who are Evangelists
Effective Communicators...
- Who listen respectfully to the ideas, feelings, and opinions of others
- Who speak confidently and clearly to advocate for themselves
- Who express written thoughts clearly
- Who use 21st century skills to communicate their ideas